The Opioid Spoon Project website section highlighting The Honor Tour which was designed to provide "individuals in each location with the opportunity to personally sign the spoon to honor the memory of loved ones."
Link to NPRs Here and Now story " 'It's Corporate Greed': Activists Turn To Art To Protest Big Pharma And Opioid Epidemic." Click on the arrow to the left of the headline for complete audio of the interview, excerpts are printed below.
Domenic Esposito organized the Opioid Epidemic Accountability conference in NY City in 2019 to discuss policy, activism, and how to best hold those (he considers) responsible accountable. This NPR story "Artist Nan Goldin Seeks Justice For Opioid Victims, Wants To Strip Sackler Name From Museums," covers this event and the (well-known photographer) Goldin's battle with addiction and activism.